Does the aging influences the following parameters of AD8066: amplifier's
bandwidth, noise and bias input current?
Can you give some hints on the period of time and the amount of change of these
parameters and, what other changes I have to expect over time?
Our parts are guaranteed to stay within data sheet parameters for 10 years when
operated under data sheet acceptable conditions. So the answer is yes, however
very slowly and always staying in spec for 10 years.
It would depend on the process of course, assuming this is a non-hermetic
package there is always the possibility that salts & other ion sources can
enter the package, with moisture eventually move to the silicon and thus the
ions causing parameter shifts. There are other environmental effects to cause
shifts as well such as package stresses. Apart from operating the part
submerged in saltwater I wouldn’t expect much that could bring it out of
datasheet specs in any considerable amount of time.