I have several questions on how to utilize this part properly. The overall scenario is an APD photodiode TIA circuit. The APD is first gained up by a MAX40213 TIA, with remaining gain provided by the AD8338.
1) The first design iteration was to use the AD8338 in a normal way providing 0-80dB gain. We unextpectly will be getting more gain from the APD itself, requiring the gain of the AD8338 be modified to be -20 dB -> +60 dB. There are instructions on how to do this on p.17 of the datasheet after equation (12), also pointing to Figure 43. The recommendation is to drive the INPD & INMD pins with 5K external resistances, and then short the INPR & INMR pins. Any reason why you couldn't just add resistors to the INPR & INMR pins and leave the INPD & INMD pins unconnected? Drawbacks to doing that?
2) On one of the other threads on AD8338 in EngineerZone someone asks what the transimpedance gain is if you use the AD8338 as a photodiode TIA directly. Advantages/disadvantages of doing that over using the MAX40213 first before the AD8338?
3) Just a nit - I think there is a typo in Equation (11). Shouldn't there be a log function after the 20x operating on the resistor calc in parentheses?