If ADA4530-1 is the lowest noise chip, could you recommend a 4530 configuration according to the sensor signal of the red line?
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The ADA4530-1 is a femtoampere (10−15 A) level input bias current operational amplifier suitable for use as an electrometer that also includes an integrated...
ADA4530-1 on Analog.com
If ADA4530-1 is the lowest noise chip, could you recommend a 4530 configuration according to the sensor signal of the red line?
Hello ADAC,
Apologies for the delayed response. May I ask what your sensor is? In addition, can you provide us your application? What are you trying to achieve?
sensor is Fluorescent detector,My equipment is the sensor detection device of liquid chromatograph, and I want to achieve the lowest noise; Therefore, I hope you can provide the lowest noise configuration of ADA4530-1 according to the sensor parameters of the red line in the figure.
Hello ADAC,
You can use this tool: Signal Chain Designer in order to determine the configuration which will give you the lowest noise possible based on your target specifications (output voltage, output current, frequency, noise, etc.) and application.