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Short-circuit current specification in the datasheet

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: ADA4097-1

The table 2 (page 7) of the datasheet specifies the Short-Circuit Current:

  •  Isink of min. 35 mA
    • but at TMIN < TA < TMAX, min. 10 mA

I am not sure what it then means by "minimum 35 mA" if the min. is 10 mA.

I would like to know the specification for a certain temperature range: 0° to 85°C, not the whole range. Can I get this information please?

  • Hello ,

    ADA4097-1 has an operating temperature or ambient temperature range of -55°C to +150° as shown on the part's data sheet. 

    35 mA is the min. Isink specified at an ambient temperature of 25°C only. If we are going to talk about ambient temperatures over Tmin (-55°C) up to Tmax (+150°C), then the specification tells us that the lowest/minimum Isink over that range would be 10 mA.


  • Hi Paul,

    Thank you very much for the quick reply.

    I want to use this amplifier because of the wide supply range, low shut-down current and the high short-circuit current.
    The first two parameters are good for me, but the short-circuit current is still unclear.

    May I get the specifications or the graph for Isource and Isink for the range of 0° to 85°C, because the specification for -55°C to +150° not applicable in my case? I couldn't find more information in datasheet.

  • Hello  ,

    Apologies for the delayed response. You may refer to the plot below:

    I hope this helps.
