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LTC6268 Spice Model and Noise Simulation

Category: Hardware
Product Number: LTC6268

Would a LTSpice noise simulation of the LTC6268 spice model accurately model the output noise of the device? Or are there missing elements to in the spice model required for an accurate noise analysis and I would be better off doing the calculation by hand?

My question is more about the spice model and less about LTSpice but here is my LTSpice circuit for reference:

  • Hello ,

    I have done some noise simulations using the model and here are the results that I've obtained: 

    For the voltage noise, at frequencies less than about 60kHz, there is an observable difference between the simulated voltage noise vs. the actual voltage noise on the part's data sheet. On the other hand, at f > 60kHz, the simulated voltage noise density plot closely matches the actual plot.

    For the current noise, at frequencies below 10MHz, the simulated current noise closely matches the actual data from the data sheet. However, for f >10MHz, there is an observable difference between the simulated data and actual data.

    Based on the results above, I think you can still run some noise simulations, but I would also recommend correlating the simulated data with the calculated data and actual measured data.

    Best regards,

  • Hi  

    Thank you very much for the response. That is very helpful and didnt think to try to recreate the datasheet plots and compare.

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