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Noise generator for ICs using LT1210: questions

Category: Hardware
Product Number: LT1210


I am working in a power rail noise generator for ICs. The idea is to use the LT1210 configured as a buffer (G=1) to drive an IC power rail that has a continuous consumption of around 100mA and a 100nF input capacitor (minimum). The LT1210 is powered at +/- 5V and the IC input voltage is around 1.2V. The idea is to use a function generator to generate a square signal (1MHz, 100mVpp) with an offset of 1.2V and power the IC like that (with the LT1210 in the middle) to do measurements on it.

I have been looking for many power AOs that could be used for that but I ended up that the best so far is the LT1210. I have still a bandwidth problem since the square input signal has more than 35MHz I have to filter it a bit. So my question is if some of you have experience implementing such a circuit and if the LT1210 is the most appropriate AO or if others with better BW could work for that application.



  • Hello ,

    We will look into this and get back to you. Apologies, as we currently do have a lot of open queries and would really appreciate your patience on this.


  • Hi  ,

    Good day. Can you share with us the schematic of the circuit? 


  •  The schematic is pretty simple. LT1210 is configured as buffer (G1). I added a POT RV1 in order to change the BW as indicated in the datasheet but I noticed that this changes the output offset and then... is not a buffer any more (may be I added too much resistance in the feedback loop). So probably I will not use the pot and let only the 510Ohm resistor in the feedback loop.

    The idea is when I connect the function generator in J1 with a signal of 1.2V DC plus an squared signal of 100mVpp it will trigger the comparator U2 and close the relay connecting the DUT to the LT1210 instead of the normal supply.

    There is a low pass filter to prevent the LT1210 from operating out of the BW limit and avoid distorsion at the output.

    My question is if there is in the analog devices portfolio a better part for that task. A power amplifier that can drive  capacitive loads with a BW of around 30Mhz and can drive continuous 200 mA without problem (at Vout 1.2V).


  • Hi,

    Good day. I would recommend ADA8470 in your application. 

    ADA4870 can drive up to 1 A and had a high bandwidth of 52 MHz. ADA4870 can also drive capacitive load beyond 1 uF. Figure below shows the performance of the part for different capacitive load:


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