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AD8675 Op-amps not following input at low voltages.

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD8675

In my Circuit, Texas Instruments 8-channel Digital to Analog converter (DAC53608RTET) is connected to 8 x AD8675 op-amps in non-inverting mode. Output of DAC varies between 0 - 4.4VDC. I need this to be 0 - 12VDC. so I use 8 AD8675 Opamps, one for each DAC channel. Each Op-Amp has a Gain of 2.6. (Ri = 9.9K & Rf = 16.6K).

If input voltage lower than 2VDC. output does not follow input for all 8. Loading output of Op-Amp down using 4.7K resistor across the output improves behavior but still not linear..

Schematic and collected data for input voltage against DAC.

Requesting advice on how to make the output linear across the entire range. I can send out Schematic as a PDF and data collected as an Excel file. Please let me know where to send these as I cannot find a means to attach files here.

Graph below shows Output of OP-Amp using Input as shown below. Output is Non linear and varies with each op-amp below 5.2 volts.

Graph Below shows output of Op Amps improves when loaded with a 4.7K resistor but still not linear below 5.2V output

Graph Below shows Input voltage are exactly the same for All 8 op Amps.

Schematic of the entire circuit:

attached a PDF Schematic file and excel data sheet.
[edited by: Saif67 at 8:14 PM (GMT -5) on 28 Jan 2024]

Thread Notes

  • Hello Saif,

    if I recognize it correctly in your schematic, you use the AD8675 with single supply (V+ = 12V, V- = 0V). Then your circuit cannot work: the AD8675 has a rail to rail output, but it doesn't have a rail to rail input. If you check the parameter "input voltage range" in the datasheet you'll see, that correct operation is only guaranteed, if the input voltage is ~2V above V-, just like you see it in your measurements.

    Requesting advice on how to make the output linear across the entire range.

    Either you have to use a different opamp,ensure that not only the output voltage range but also the input voltage range extends to the negative supply.

    Or if you want to stay with the AD8675, you have to provide a negative supply voltage (must be below -2V).

    best regards


  • Hello Achim,

    Thank you so much for your prompt reply. I think since my board is otherwise ready and tested, my best course of action should be to swap out the Op amps.

    I would appreciate it you can suggest an Opamp that would be a drop in replacement for the AD8675.

    Thanks again and Regards,

  • Hello Saif,

    since I do not know, what other requirements you have (e.g. regarding accuracy, noise, bandwidth, ..), it might be better if you choose a suitable chip yourself. The parametric search gives you a complete overview on all available opamps:,asc

    Set the filter for rail to rail property e.g. as shown in the picture:

    All chips, which show either "Both" or "In to V-, Output" in the column should be good with respect to the voltage range. (The AD8675 would only show "Output" and will not appear in the list due to the filter settings.)

    You may set Vs span max to a starting value of 12 for your 12V supply. And set the package according to the package you used with the AD8675. That should give you a good starting list where you may set the other filters for accuracy, noise, ... according to your requirements. 

    best regards


  • Hello  ,

    I agree with Achim that a rail to rail input is recommended in your setup. I checked the closest amplifier to AD8675, and I found the ADA4510-2 which has a rail to rail input and rail to rail output. 

    For more information, you can check ADA4510-2 Datasheet.



  • Hello,

    It appears that the above question has been answered already so I'm closing this thread. In case there are additional questions, feel free to reply to this thread. Thank you!

    Best regards,