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About the electrical characteristic data of ADA4610 when V+=15V, V-=0V

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: ADA4610-2 ADA4610-4


I am considering ADA4610-2 and ADA4610-4.
I am thinking of using the power supply voltage under the conditions of V+=15V, V-=0V, but there was no data under these conditions in the data sheet.
I would appreciate it if you could share the data if you have it.

I would be happy if you could reply.

Best Regards,

  • Hi knj,

    I believe this was answered offline, but I'll post it here too.
    Amplifiers should be able to work both on dual and single supply.

    This case is similar to ADA4610 too, although as you’ve mentioned, +15V,0V or (±7.5V) Supply is not specified in the datasheet but the device should still be functional.
    One thing to look at is the input voltage range(IVR) and output swing.

    For the IVR, please be careful on the operation because looking at the spec tables, both are specified in the range of  (V- + 2.5V) to (V+ – 2.5V).
    Therefore for the single supply of 15V, the IVR will be 2.5V to 12.5V .




    For CMRR it may be in between the +/-5V and +/-15V.
    Other performance or parameters of the ADA4610 may be scaled similar to this but without guarantee.
    If you can provide more information about the customer’s application we’ll be able to help out more.
    Hope this helps knj.

    Best Regards,