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LT6203IS vs LT6203XS

Category: Hardware
Product Number: LT6203
Software Version: na

What is the difference between LT6203IS (industrial 85C) and high temperature  version of it LT6203XS (175 C)?  Response from AD Customer Quality is: "For the process side there is no much of a difference between the two devices and for as long as the process are taking in consideration this appears to be more like identical as well." - basically no difference in the process. Are they any difference in packaging?

  • Hi Zaro,

    Good day.

    It appears that LT6203IS comes in as an 8-pin SO with a standard op amp pinout while LT6203XS comes in as an 8-pin SO package with a standard dual op-amp pinout. Also, LT6203XS is available as dice. In addition, the electrical characteristics for LT6203IS were characterized for temperatures ranging from -40 deg C up to 85 deg Celcius while LT6203XS were characterized from -40 deg C to 175 deg C. May we know what specific application you'll be using these op-amps to further help you? Thank you.



  • Hi, 

    Thank you for the prompt response!

    Application is photomultiplier signal conditioning circuit. Currently LT6203IS8 is used above specified temperature of 85C and since pinouts are identical (both are SOIC8), I'd like to replace it with LT6203XS8. The final goal is to increase reliability of the circuit. Concern is whether any compromises in parameters were made to achieve higher temperature.



  • +1
    •  Analog Employees 
    •  Super User 
    in reply to Zaro

    Hi Zaro,

    LT6203XS8 data sheet was characterized and guaranteed that it will work in temperatures up to 175C. No parameters were compromised to achieve such a temperature. If your goal is to increase the reliability of your circuit, I do suggest using the component that is guaranteed for temperatures above 85C. Thank you.

