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some questions about AD8304's specs

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD8304

 Hi ADI Expert,

I have some questions about AD8304's specs below,

The datasheet says the Small Signal Bandwidth of the output buffer is 10MHZ,I want to know its conditions(like CL=?, RL=? and how the buffer cennect,unity gain or other gain);

The datasheet also says the Wide-Band Noise off output buffer is 1uV/sqrt(HZ) but what is the frequency range?

Can I ask you for help, Thanks.

  • Hi  ,

    The setup for this device was stated on page 17 of datasheet "Characterization Setups and Methods".

    For the Output Buffer, it was on Figure 19.

    As stated on page 9 of datasheet, wide-band noise of this device is related to the signal current Ipd. When the Ipd is lower, the bandwidth is also lower.

    The measure noise spectral density versus frequency can be seen at TPC 8 and 9.

