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AD549 current noise measure setup

Hi to all,

i would like to measure the current noise of AD549 op amp

could someone help me to built the setup for this?

and who of analog devices thecnical suppport i can ask for this question?

i need to confirm for some project that that i can measure the noise and to comply with the datasheet of it

Best regards,


  • Hi,

    Measuring current noise in an op amp requires lot of technical expertise. One year back we at our lab was able to determine the current noise of the AD8510 op amp which was used in a very sensitive data acquisition application.

    The steps are as follows:

    1. Design a test platform in the lab with a total noise floor of less than 8 dB that of the op amp.

    2. Remove all the electrical disturbances surrounding the system under test (Farday cages)

    3. Use batteries for powering the system set up and use a an amplifier(AC coupled) to raise the op amp's noise floor above the Measurement systems noise floor.

    4. Accurately select the measurement device.

    There is a pretty good application note from Intersil to deal with this. We used the exact same set up.

    Attached pdf is the application note.

    Please feel free to ask any clarifications.

  • Do you have name or title of the intersil application note. I think I read this before but can't put finger which one. 

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