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Dear All:

I need Dual supply operation at ±15 V /Low Noise/Rail-to-Rail Output and need Output Current (Iout) at ±20mA ADI
Amplifier. I check many Amplifier datasheet not explain show Iout is how much.but I check ADA4077-2 SPEC. have show Output Current (Iout) is ±10mA not I need the specification. Can suggest I have Part Number to selection? or  Which similar specification need to check it thanks~

Best Regards,


  • Hi, Jacky.

    Usually, datasheets specify the short circuit current (Isc) which is the maximum current that an amplifier can drive into a short circuit. Other amplifiers' datasheets, like the ADA4077, also specify the output current (source or sink from the output pin) which is the expected current to be delivered by the amplifier and it depends on the dropout voltage or headroom of the output voltage to supply.

    But if the output current is not indicated on the specification table, you may look at the "Output Dropout Voltage vs. Load Current" graph. An example is the figure 27 of ADA4077 (shown below) which shows that for Vdropout<1.2V the typical load current is 10mA.

    As to your query regarding an ADI RRO amplifier that operates in +/-15V and has +/-20mA output voltage, you may use ADA4091-2 since it matches your requirement. 

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you have other concerns.



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    EZ Admin