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AD8251/AD8253 GAIN Problem

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD8251 AD8253
Software Version: KEIL5

We try to use AD8251&AD8253 as a combination to get setting gain value. 

The gain mode we chose is Latched gain mode and we used pull-up resistors(10kΩ) at the A0 and A1 pins. The MCU provides correct PIN  voltage.

However during the testing process, the PGA combination cannot provide the right gain value frequently, like when we want to get GAIN 40, the combination only offer GAIN 20. 

 This phenomenon seems like the PINs are not written correctly. 

We have tried to extend tWR-LOW, or write PINs several times, and received little improvement.

Is there any way to make AD8251&AD8253 output stable GAIN values?

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