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AD8495 Spice model cold junction compensation not working

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD8495
Software Version: LTspice XVII(x64) (


When a voltage source is connected to the VCJC pin, the VOUT increases at 1mV / V applied to the pin.


This would indicate that the cold junction compensation does not work? 

Is there a fix for this? 

Best regards, 


  • Hello Sam,

    VOUT increases at 1mV / V

    I think it's 5mV/V (or 5mV/°C respectively). Your plot shows V(out)/5, and V(out)/5 varies by 50mV when VCJC varies by 50V or by 50°C respectively).

    This would indicate that the cold junction compensation does not work? 

    I think it shows, that the compensation does work.

    You change the cold junction temperature by 50° but you keep the thermocouple voltage constant (given by voltage source V4). A constant thermocouple voltage together with a changed cold junction temperature corresponds to a changed measured temperature - and that's what V(out) is showing.

    If the measured temperature would be constant and the cold junction temperature changes, the thermocouple voltage would also change - which is not the case in your simulation.

    best regards


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    in reply to Achim


    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your inquiries. 

    As  mentioned and I agree; your TC voltage must vary upon changing the CJC.  AD8495 is designed to have 5mV/°C transfer function.

    Thank you  for your initial response.


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