Dear All:
I carried out a test of the AD8555 Evaluation Board, found to the following questions.
Q1: GUI Software interface different
STATUS: I tried install the AD8555 EVB Software tool from AD8555 EVB kit CD disk another to ADI Web Site download
AD8555_Evaluation_Software are run "setup_EvalAD8555_1509.exe" file(see Figure 1) .After comparing the Application
Note AN-730/AD8555AR-EVAL operation file GUI Software (Figure 2) is different.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Q2: Direct use GUI Software defaults as shown in Figure 1, the Program button is pressed, the following error message will always appear
But I do not know what happened, I follow up AN-730 document step by step to setup my testing platform but final result can not be used? My NB supports 25-pin parallel port .O/S is Window XP. Can tell me a detailed operational processes?