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Regarding quiescent current of AD8130 Differential receiver.

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD8130


We are using AD8130 differential receiver amplifier in our design wherein Vs = +12V and -Vs = -12V.

In the datasheet, 13.9mA is given as the max value for the Quiescent Supply Current (as shown below).

My question is how is this current linked with Vs and -Vs pins.?

Is it like,13.9mA will be drawn individually from both 12V and to -12V? or 6.95mA will be drawn individually from 12V and -12V?

Please clarify on this.

Parents Reply
  • Hello ,

    Apologies for the confusion.13.9 mA is the max current that can be drawn from the positive supply (+12V) and the max current that can sink on the negative supply (-12V). To sum it up, the total current (max) is still equal to 13.9 mA. To understand it better, here is an LTSpice simulation using AD8130:

    As can be seen on the simulation above, the part draws a current of 10.409 mA from the +12V supply and sinks a current of -10.409 mA to the -12V supply. The current flows from the positive supply pin to the negative supply pin of the op amp.

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards,

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