Hello Guys,
We are planning to use high speed comparator chips. ADCMP582 seems to be suitable for our application. However, ADCMP582 datasheet leaves several uncertain questions to us. We have to confirm with ADI.
1. The input pins Vtp&Vtn, we can use them as input port Vp&Vn's termination port? Becasue which have intrinsic parallelly 50ohm to ground.
2. Vtt pin must connect to VCCO-2V?
3. How to connect LE and LE-bar to disable Latch function? The datasheet describes this about 580 and 581, but it doesn't have this part for 582.
We draw a roughly schematic of ADCMP582 according to our understand, can you help check it?
"The datasheet describes this about 580 and 581, but it doesn't have this part for 582."
[edited by: coyoo at 7:28 AM (GMT -4) on 27 Mar 2023]