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LTC6409 Spice model for external tools

Category: Software
Product Number: LTC6409

Dear Sir or Madam,

 I would need to include the LTC6409 spice model into an external tool which allows for layout simulations (with imported layout structure) etc.  Is there a way to export the spice model from LTC6409 into a standard spice model which includes all the required subcircuits for simulations? I tried to use the LTC6.lib (found in the LTSpice folders) but the external tool is giving me an error that there are a bunch of sub circuits missing. 

Thank you for your help


  • Hello ,

    Can I ask the spice simulator you will be using? Most LTSpice models use components that work in LTSpice only. In most cases, models that are in the LTSpice Library are for LTSpice only.


  • Dear Paul,

    I would like to use Electronics Desktop (Ansys). They have the possibility to load pSpice and Spice models. 

    This is very unfortunate that the models are tight to a simulation tool. LTSpice doesnt offer all the various possibilities that other tools do (mainly related to physical layout imports). I see two possibilities:

    1. either to release the models so that they can be used elsewhere.

    2. or to improve LTSpice to cover all these other features.

    Best Regards   

  • Dear Paul,

    I would like to use Electronics Desktop (Ansys). They have the possibility to load pSpice and Spice models. 

    This is very unfortunate that the models are tight to a simulation tool. LTSpice doesnt offer all the various possibilities that other tools do (mainly related to physical layout imports). I see two possibilities:

    1. either to release the models so that they can be used elsewhere.

    2. or to improve LTSpice to cover all these other features.

    Best Regards   
