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ad8137 small sig. bw of 76MHz and large sig. bw of 110MHz


I am studying AD8137 and have some questions.

On AD8137 datasheet it says that small sig. bw is 76MHz and large sig. bw is 110MHz.

I am wondering why when inputs are small signals, the bandwidth is smaller...

Thank you.

Thread Notes

  • Hi Tim,

    This part is very low power (2.3mA at 10V) so when a small signal is running through it the bandwidth is limited by the closed loop gain and the demonant pole. However large signal bandwidth is usually limited by slew rate then the closed loop gain. That being said, when a large signal is going thought the part, the dynamic power increases and it increases the large signal BW by a little as you see here.

    I hope this answer your question.


  • Hi Tim,

    This part is very low power (2.3mA at 10V) so when a small signal is running through it the bandwidth is limited by the closed loop gain and the demonant pole. However large signal bandwidth is usually limited by slew rate then the closed loop gain. That being said, when a large signal is going thought the part, the dynamic power increases and it increases the large signal BW by a little as you see here.

    I hope this answer your question.


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