Q: Who is eligible to participate in Anveshan?
A: Anveshan is targeted for Students in Full time Bachelors / Master’s Program of accredited Indian educational institutions are eligible to participate.
Q: Am I allowed to be a part of multiple teams?
A: No, you can be part of only one team.
Q: I'm not an Indian citizen and currently studying in an accredited Indian educational institution. Am I eligible to participate in the fellowship?
A: Yes, as long as you are a full time student of the Indian institution for the duration of the Anveshan year.
Q: Are we allowed to modify the team composition after entry submission?
A: This is not generally encouraged. However under special circumstances, decisions will be taken on a case by case basis and will be at the sole discretion of Analog Devices.
Q: Does the whole team have to come over for the final round of presentation?
A: At least one team member needs to be present at Analog Devices to present your work to the Senior Technologists during the phase submissions and the whole team is expected (but not a must) to be present during final presentation.
Q: How and when will we know the results of the first round?
A: The results of the first round and the finalists will be declared on the website. The participating teams and the teams who have made it to Round 1 and Finalists will also be notified through email and phone.
Q: How can we participate in the contest?
A: Your first step is to register your team on the website. You can then submit your proposal through the submit page of the website. The Anveshan design could also be part of the student's final year project with necessary approvals from the department and faculty advisor.