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RE: pysmu not found

I am having the same problem with pysmu not found when using Python. I installed Python 3.9.13 and used libsmu-1.0.4-setup-x64.exe to install pysmu. When I "pip list" I do not see pysmu. Also I do not see pysmu in the site-packages directory. When in device manager I do see the ADALM1000 come up on a USB port.  I do see the serial number for my ADALM1000 when using smu -l on the command line.  Is a whl availablle for Python 3.9, or do I actually need to manually build and install pysmu bindings?

Kind Regards, Rodger

A whl was found for 3.9 in  pysmu-1.0.4-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (115.7 kB view details)

It installed pysmu as seen by using pip list