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ADALM-PLUTO: Unable to Enable TDDN Engine

Category: Software
Product Number: AD9363
Software Version: v0.38

I am trying to develop a FMCW RADAR using pluto. I want to synchronize Tx and Rx. For that I am using TDD Channel[1] and Channel[2].

I have enabled TDD as explained in this link: WIKI

Here is my code:

import time
import adi 
import numpy as np

# Modulr Init
sdr_ip = "ip:pluto.local"  # ", or pluto.local"  # IP address of the Transceiver Block
my_sdr = adi.ad9361(uri=sdr_ip) # Pluto Init 
sdr_pins = adi.one_bit_adc_dac(sdr_ip) # Pluto GPIO Pins
tdd = adi.tdd(sdr_ip) # TDD Engine INIT 

sample_rate = fs = 60e6

N = 1024
num_chirps = 256
ts = 1/int(fs)

center_freq= 2.2e9
signal_freq = 3e6

BW = sample_rate/4
slope = BW/(N*ts)

ramp_time_us = 300
ramp_time_ms = ramp_time_us/1e3
ramp_time_s = ramp_time_ms/1e3

# SDR Config
my_sdr.rx_lo = int(center_freq)
my_sdr.rx_enabled_channels = 0   # enable Rx1 and Rx2
my_sdr.tx_lo = int(center_freq)
my_sdr.tx_cyclic_buffer = True
my_sdr.sample_rate = sample_rate
my_sdr.rx_buffer_size = N * num_chirps

# TDD Config
# sdr_pins.gpio_tdd_ext_sync = False # If set to True, this enables external capture triggering using the L24N GPIO on the Pluto.  When set to false, an internal trigger pulse will be generated every second

tdd.enable = False         # disable TDD to configure the registers
tdd.sync_external = False
tdd.startup_delay_ms = 0
PRI_ms = ramp_time_ms
tdd.frame_length_ms = PRI_ms    # each chirp is spaced this far apart
tdd.burst_count = num_chirps       # number of chirps in one continuous receive buffer[0].enable = False[0].polarity = False[0].on_raw = 0[0].off_raw = 10[1].enable = True[1].polarity = False[1].on_raw = 0[1].off_raw = 10[2].enable = True[2].polarity = False[2].on_raw = 0[2].off_raw = 10
tdd.enable = True

# Generate Signal
t = np.linspace(0, N*ts, ts)
fc = int(signal_freq * fs/N)* N/fs

i = (2**14) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * fc * t) # A cos(2PiFt)
q = (2**14) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * fc * t) # A sin(2PiFt)

iq = i + 1j * q # Complex N


while True:
    data = my_sdr.rx()

I am getting following errors:

Exception: No device found for one-bit-adc-dac  

 If I comment 

sdr_pins = adi.one_bit_adc_dac(sdr_ip) # Pluto GPIO Pins

I get ,

File "/home/zebu/pluto_tests/", line 9, in <module>
tdd = adi.tddn(sdr_ip) # TDD Engine INIT
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/adi/", line 23, in __init__
for ch in self._ctrl.channels:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'channels'