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Reason for setting Pluto Tx frequency at 100Khz

Category: Software
Product Number: cn0566

As is mentioned in the title, I do not understand the reasoning behind transmitting 100Khz signal from pluto

# %%
""" Create a sinewave waveform for Pluto's transmitter
# Create a sinewave waveform
N = int(2**18)
fc = int(signal_freq)
ts = 1 / float(sample_rate)
t = np.arange(0, N * ts, ts)
i = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * 2 ** 14
q = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * fc) * 2 ** 14
iq = 0.9* (i + 1j * q)

# transmit data from Pluto
my_sdr.tx([iq, iq])
# Configure the ADF4159 Ramping PLL
vco_freq = int(output_freq + signal_freq + center_freq)
BW = chirp_BW
num_steps = int(ramp_time) # in general it works best if there is 1 step per us
my_phaser.frequency = int(vco_freq / 4)
my_phaser.freq_dev_range = int(BW / 4) # total freq deviation of the complete freq ramp in Hz
my_phaser.freq_dev_step = int((BW / 4) / num_steps) # This is fDEV, in Hz. Can be positive or negative
my_phaser.freq_dev_time = int(ramp_time) # total time (in us) of the complete frequency ramp