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Bricked PlutoSDR

Category: Hardware

Hi Everyone,

I bricked pluto SDR rev. D. Could you please help me out?

Main errors: Unsupported flash IDs: manuf 00, jedec 0000, ext_jedec 0000
Failed to create SPI flash at 0:0:40000000:0. 

Environment: Ubuntu 24.04.01 LTS, Vivado 2024.2.


1. I changed the vivado project file (below link) to have my own system_top.xsa file.

2. Then I changed the makefile (below link) to make it suitable for my environment. Other than changing Vivado version, I also changed the way the system_top.xsa generated also as below. Basically I only let it copy .xsa from the one generated in Step 1.

build/system_top.xsa: | build
cp system_top.xsa build/system_top.xsa

3. I put the generated .zip to pluto massive storage device folder, eject it. And wait for Pluto USB storage showing up. However it was bricked from then.

I followed unbricking PlutoSDR from below link but got no luck. Instead of using xmd commands, I used xsct in plutosdr-jtag-bootstrap-v0.39 folder terminal.

I only did some change on run.tcl as below link.

Then I plugged in the USB-UART cable into host PC, this is lsusb and the u-boot menu. The errors say SF: Unsupported flash IDs: manuf 00, jedec 0000, ext_jedec 0000
Failed to create SPI flash at 0:0:40000000:0. 

I cannot solve this, could anyone please help?

From start to end, only the left LED is on and dim.