I am using the ADALM1000 on windows with python and keep getting the following error after a couple of minutes of doing the same task.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "libsmu.pyx", line 626, in pysmu.libsmu.SessionDevice.write
RuntimeError: data write timeout, no available queue space: The directory cannot be removed.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\HYDN02\PycharmProjects\tramppt\main.py", line 498, in <module>
# session, dev = initialize_session()
File "C:\Users\HYDN02\PycharmProjects\tramppt\main.py", line 352, in perform_mpp_tracking
current_cycle) = get_measured_current_and_time(dev_init, test_voltage, integration_time, time_keeping)
File "C:\Users\HYDN02\PycharmProjects\tramppt\main.py", line 100, in get_measured_current_and_time
mean_current = read_current_from_adalm(adalm_config, set_voltage)
File "C:\Users\HYDN02\PycharmProjects\tramppt\main.py", line 60, in read_current_from_adalm
chan_a.write(refill_data(num_samples, set_voltage), -1) # Set voltage on ADALM
File "libsmu.pyx", line 782, in pysmu.libsmu.Channel.write
File "libsmu.pyx", line 638, in pysmu.libsmu.SessionDevice.write
pysmu.exceptions.WriteTimeout: data write timeout, no available queue space: The directory cannot be removed.
Process finished with exit code 1
I've tried using chan.flush() every so often, but this only seems to help partially. Is there anything else I can do to avoid this error?