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Phaser: "Device not found for BEAM0" hardware failure?

Category: Hardware
Product Number: CN0566

Our Phaser has been working well since April. Suddenly today every attempt to use it nets the the following python error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xxxx/Phaser/pyadi-iio/examples/phaser/", line 68, in <module>
    my_phaser = CN0566(uri="ip:phaser.local")
  File "/home/xxxx/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/adi/", line 73, in __init__
  File "/home/xxxx/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/adi/", line 1318, in __init__
    self._devices[chip_id] = adar1000(
  File "/home/xxxx/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/adi/", line 425, in __init__
    raise Exception(f"Device not found for {chip_id}")
Exception: Device not found for BEAM0

This error occurs in all the example programs in pyadi-iio/examples/phaser as well as Jon Kraft's PhaserLab examples. These all have been working very well since April and now non are working.

What can I try or do?

  • Hi Robert, unfortunately, if the problem persists after restarting, it could mean that the ADAR1000 is mechanically damaged.  The error means that the device is not responding to SPI commands.  But this would be the first failure we've seen with this issue from the field.  Is there anything else that could have happened to it prior to this error?  - Jon

  • The problem was a bad power supply!

    Not at all what I had considered. Jon suggested this unlikely possibility in an email. Even though this is pretty much the equivalent technical support solution of, "Did you check the plug?", I dutifully swapped out the 5v power supply with another known good one I have been using. Much to my surprise, that fixed it!

    The odd thing is this supply had been functioning well for months. Not sure why it failed, but I am very glad it was such a simple fix. Thanks again Jon, and also, I believe, to Mark Thoren.

  • Fantastic, thanks for the update Robert!  Yes, Mark Thoren suggested trying a different USB C power source, and that is great advice.  An issue (like droop) from this USBC supply can manifest in a lot of different ways. 

    We include a rather inexpensive USBC supply with the Phaser kit.  But our best, and most consistent, performance has been with the Canakit 3.5A Raspberry Pi 4 Power Supply.  There are also generic 4A USBC power supplies that would probably work as well.