I have installed the libm2k 0.80 and its python bindings.
I have used python code with libm2k to communicate with ADALM2000 in the past.
However, with recent installation, it seems that the existing python code does not work. I am not sure which was the last version that has worked with the existing code.
The current issue is that it is not able to detect the ADALM2000 with the libm2k.getAllContexts() function. Let me know what has changed and
# This is a sample Python script. # Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code. # Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings. from sys import exit import libm2k import time # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import bokeh from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show from bokeh.models import LinearAxis, Range1d from bokeh.models import HoverTool, BoxSelectTool #For enabling tools import pandas as pd import numpy as np import struct NB_OUT_SAMPLES = 1024 DIG_CH_SCLK = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_0 DIG_CH_MISO = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_1 DIG_CH_MOSI = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_2 DIG_CH_CSB = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_3 DIG_CH_BUSY = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_4 DIG_CH_TGP = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_5 DIG_CH_CONVST = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_6 DIG_CH_LDACB = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_7 DIG_CH_CMP = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_8 DIG_CH_RESETB = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_9 DIG_CH_ALERT = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_10 DIG_CH_TESTIN = libm2k.DIO_CHANNEL_11 ANALOG_IN_CH_0 = libm2k.ANALOG_IN_CHANNEL_1 ANALOG_IN_CH_1 = libm2k.ANALOG_IN_CHANNEL_2 POWER_PORT_0 = 0 POWER_PORT_1 = 1 BUFFER_SIZE = 10000 SAMPLES_PER_PERIOD = 16 OFFSET = 5 SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_IN = 1000000 SAMPLING_FREQUENCY_OUT = 10000 OVERSAMPLING = 1 def main(): context_vec = libm2k.getAllContexts() if (len(context_vec) <= 0) : print('Connection Error: No ADALM2000 device available/connected to your PC.') exit(1) context = libm2k.m2kOpen(context_vec[0]) # context = libm2k.m2kOpen('ip:') if context is None: # context = libm2k.m2kOpen('usb:3.7.5') # context = libm2k.m2kOpen('usb:1.6.5') # if context is None: print('Connection Error: No ADALM2000 device available/connected to your PC.') exit(1) # else: # print('ADALM2000 connected :' + context.getUri()) else: print('ADALM2000 connected :' + context.getUri()) # check if mixed signal is available on your firmware version if context.hasMixedSignal() is False: print("Mixed Signal not available") exit(1) context.calibrateADC() libm2k.contextClose(context, True) # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script. if __name__ == '__main__': main() # See PyCharm help at https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/