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Issue with Vivado Not Detecting Adalm-Pluto SDR Kit as Target Device

Category: Hardware

Hello to everyone,

I'm experiencing an issue with my Adalm-Pluto SDR kit, which is equipped with a Zynq Z-7000 SoC. I'm using Vivado to program the SoC and a Xilinx Platform Cable USB II for connecting the Pluto to Vivado. Previously, Vivado was able to detect the Pluto as a target device, but now I'm encountering a problem where Vivado no longer recognizes it.

The error I receive is this:

"[Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Xilinx/00001dcff8b301.

Check cable connectivity and that the target board is powered up then

use the disconnect_hw_server and connect_hw_server to re-register this hardware target."


Here are the things I've done to solve the issue:

  1. Checked the cable connections to ensure they are secure.
  2. Uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers for the Xilinx Platform Cable USB II.
  3. Restarted Vivado and the hardware server multiple times.


As for the cable connections:


  • I have connected TDI, TDO, TCK, TMS to their respective ports on the Pluto.
  • Both the platform's ground and Pluto's ground are connected to a common ground.
  • The platform's VREF is connected to 3.6 Volts.
  • The Pluto is connected to the computer via USB.
  • The JTAG_Boot pin is connected to the same common ground as both devices.



For better understanding of the cable connections you can view the following pictures. I would really appreciate any assistance or suggestions on how to resolve this issue. Thank you for your attention and support.

  • Hi,

    Are you using the JTAG for debug or to program?
    Does the system boot from flash?
    The power LED is not on, in your attachments, have you tried a different USB/power source ?


  • We are using JTAG for programming.

    I didn't understand exactly what you mean in the second part.

    It wasn't connected to computer while we were taking photo. Normally the led is green on platform cable, blue on pluto.

    In addition, whenever we try to connect pluto to vivado via platform cable, the moment we open target in vivado the pluto is change itself to dfu mode, is it normal? If not what can we do to solve problems?

  • You said you are using JTAG for programing.
    What are you trying to boot through jtag on Pluto?

    I didn't understand exactly what you mean in the second part.

    If you disconnect the JTAG_BOOT wire, Pluto should boot Linux from the onboard flash memory.

    In addition, whenever we try to connect pluto to vivado via platform cable, the moment we open target in vivado the pluto is change itself to dfu mode, is it normal? If not what can we do to solve problems?

    Without traying to connect to it in Vivado, I get that your Pluto boots correctly?

    My first thought is that your wires are not connected where they should be. in this causes a reset or power drop might cause this.


  • We are trying to access Pluto's SoC for now, when we will be able to do it we will use Vitis. However, we are having troubles.

    We solved the previous problem but it is most likely causing our current problem. Whenever we supply the platform cable more than 2.2V, Vivado does not detect Pluto. But because of this, when we apply nearly 2.0V, we are getting

    "Error: [Labtools 27-3165] End of startup status: LOW 

    DONE pin did not go HIGH"
    error. The solutions I have found proposes to apply 3.3V to the platform cable which is causing the previous problem. I don't know how to solve this dilemma. 
  • We are trying to access Pluto's SoC for now, when we will be able to do it we will use Vitis. However, we are having troubles.

    We solved the previous problem but it is most likely causing our current problem. Whenever we supply the platform cable more than 2.2V, Vivado does not detect Pluto. But because of this, when we apply nearly 2.0V, we are getting

    "Error: [Labtools 27-3165] End of startup status: LOW 

    DONE pin did not go HIGH"
    error. The solutions I have found proposes to apply 3.3V to the platform cable which is causing the previous problem. I don't know how to solve this dilemma. 
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