I am trying to simulate a satellite ground station using GNU radio and ADALM PLUTO. I am trying to receive QPSK modulated signal. But no frames are received. Could you please help to understand what needs to be changed to get it working.
I am trying to simulate a satellite ground station using GNU radio and ADALM PLUTO. I am trying to receive QPSK modulated signal. But no frames are received. Could you please help to understand what needs to be changed to get it working.
This sounds more like a specific problem with your flowgraph.
We can only assist you with ADALM Pluto integration with gnuradio.
The flow graph works well with USRP B 200. I am trying to get it working with PLUTO
In your flowgraph, Pluto and the main receiver block have different sample rates. Is that expected?
Do you expect the LO to be close enough? Are you within the pull-in range of the receiver algorithm?
Sorry Travis, I just realised I posted the wrong one, sample rate is 20 M in both
It is working when the sample rate and RF bandwidth is reduced to 4 M
It is working when the sample rate and RF bandwidth is reduced to 4 M
ok sounds good. Is your issue resolved then?
hi, sorry if i disturb i read the chapter 8 (frame syncronization) of " software define radio for engineers" but i have problem when i receive data from adalm pluto Rx, can you help me ?
lauluc23 please create a new thread with your question.
okey, i did it