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Category: Software
Product Number: ADALM PUTO

Hi everyone, 

I am a beginner, I have a question: we are using the  Adalm Pluto and Matlab to transmit and receive wireless signals. After configuration for sdrtx and sdrrx using Matlab, I can transmit and receive the signal.

However, sometimes, I cannot receive the transmitted signal, when I plot the received signal, it is only noise. Therefore, I think the signal is not transmitted by the Adalm Pluto successfully. I am using
transmitRepeat function to transmit signal by Matlab. How can verify that the Adalm Pluto is transmitted successfully? 

Thank you so much

Parents Reply
  • Hi ASuciu, 

    I am having a problem with Adalm Pluto.  Sometimes, It looks like the receiver does not receive any signal from the transmitter. The received signal is only noise ( please refer to the attached figure). I tried with two scenarios: (1) transmitter and receiver are implemented on the same Adalm Pluto. (2) transmitter and receiver are implemented on different Adalm Plutos. But the problem was happening with both scenarios. Can you help me to overcome this problem? 

    Thank you so much!
