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[Solved] ADALM2000 positive power supply does not work

Hi all,

I just got my m2k device and wanted to test it for the first time. I breadboarded a wheatstone bridge with a potentiometer and downloaded Scopy. I want to supply +/-V from the m2k while measuring the bridge voltage using the voltmeter function.  This is what I was trying to do when I noticed that when activating the power supply only the negative supply shows a measured voltage; the positive supply stays at 0.000 VDC. I tested tthe supply with a digital multimeter which confirmed the readings from Scopy. Well, it actually measured 13mV on the dead supply, but it's a cheap DMM with questionable accuracy.

I'm wondering if my unit is defective and warrants an RMA from Mouser, or if there is something I'm doing wrong here.


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[edited by: anachron at 4:07 PM (GMT -4) on 30 Mar 2021]
  • Hi,

    Upon calibration make sure you disconnect everything from the ADALM2000, and after calibration, reconnect. Can you share what OS are you using, what firmware and software version ? Also is it possible you provide the ini file ?


  • Hi Adrian,

    Thank you for responding. I've made sure to disconnect everything, calibrate, then reconnecting, but this makes no difference.

    My OS is Linux (manjaro), and Scopy reports the m2k firmware version to be v0.26. (I updated the firmware before doing anything else.) Scopy itself is v1.2.0, from

    I could not find a .INI file, but there is a config.txt which kind of looks like it's in INI format:

    # Analog Devices M2k Rev.D (Z7010)
    # Device Configuration File
    #   1. Open with an Editor
    #   2. Edit this file
    #   3. Save this file on the device USB drive
    #   4. Eject the device USB Drive
    # Doc:
    hostname = m2k
    ipaddr =
    ipaddr_host =
    netmask =
    ssid_wlan = 
    pwd_wlan = 
    ipaddr_wlan = 
    ipaddr_eth = 
    netmask_eth =
    xo_correction = 
    udc_handle_suspend = 0
    diagnostic_report = 0
    dfu = 0
    reset = 0
    calibrate = 0

  • Hi,

    Do you have libiio installed ? You can verify this by running 


    adi@spandauhome:~$ iio_info
    Library version: 0.21 (git tag: 359305c)
    Compiled with backends: local xml ip usb serial
    Unable to create Local IIO context : No such file or directory (2)

    If you get an error message, you can install it using instructions from (you don't need to do the libini part of things)

    After installing can you run some diagnostic tests:

    1. Disconnect & reconnect the board. Wait a minute for it to boot.

    2. run this script

    This will create 3 files: before_init.txt, after_init.txt, after_5v.txt

    3. reboot the board, run scopy, connect to the board, enable the positive powersupply at 5V and run

    iio_info -u "ip:" > scopy.txt

    Attach all the files scopy.txt, before_init.txt, after_init.txt, after_5v.txt as well as the output of the script. You can also attach the output of Scopy when it's running. This script will let us know if it's a problem with the board or in the software.

    We also have a new build of scopy pending release that will enable some more advanced diagnostics, but this script should be enough.


    The script output should look something like this

    adi@spandauhome:~$ ./
    --- Saved initial board state to before_init.txt
    dev 'm2k-fabric', channel 'voltage0' (input), attr 'powerdown', value '1'
    wrote 2 bytes to powerdown
    dev 'm2k-fabric', channel 'voltage0' (input), attr 'powerdown', value '0'
    dev 'm2k-fabric', channel 'voltage0' (output), attr 'powerdown', value '1'
    wrote 2 bytes to powerdown
    dev 'm2k-fabric', channel 'voltage0' (output), attr 'powerdown', value '0'
    dev 'm2k-fabric', channel 'voltage1' (input), attr 'powerdown', value '0'
    wrote 2 bytes to powerdown
    dev 'm2k-fabric', channel 'voltage1' (input), attr 'powerdown', value '0'
    dev 'm2k-fabric', channel 'voltage1' (output), attr 'powerdown', value '1'
    wrote 2 bytes to powerdown
    dev 'm2k-fabric', channel 'voltage1' (output), attr 'powerdown', value '0'
    dev 'm2k-fabric', attr 'clk_powerdown', value :'0'
    wrote 2 bytes to clk_powerdown
    dev 'm2k-fabric', attr 'clk_powerdown', value :'0'

    --- Board init finished
    --- Saved board state to after_init.txt

    --- Write 0V to ad5627
    dev 'ad5627', channel 'voltage0' (output), attr 'raw', value '2048'
    wrote 2 bytes to raw
    dev 'ad5627', channel 'voltage0' (output), attr 'raw', value '0'

    --- Positive power supply reads: this value should be around 0

    --- Write 5V to ad5627
    dev 'ad5627', channel 'voltage0' (output), attr 'raw', value '0'
    wrote 5 bytes to raw
    dev 'ad5627', channel 'voltage0' (output), attr 'raw', value '3388'

    --- Positive power supply reads: this value should be around 3300
    --- You should be able to measure 5V between V+ and GND

    --- Reset the board now, and wait for board reboot
    --- Run Scopy - set positive power supply


    Hi, sorry for the late reply. It was a busy week!

    I've run the script and the outputs are attached (no after_5v.txt was generated). What's great is that the last commands in the script actually enabled the positive power supply, so this seems to be just a software fault. Scopy is still not showing any voltage.

    Thanks for you help so far!

  • I forgot to include the after_5v.log to the test, but you are eright, it looks like a software issue. Can you give this version a try ?

  • I'm willing to try the version you suggested, but the link is a 404 on my end.

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