In order to update the Adalm-Pluto's HDL keeping the original Linux, etc.
Is it enough to write my new HDL bitstream (using JTAG adaptor) from Vivado?
Or is it required some other files?
In order to update the Adalm-Pluto's HDL keeping the original Linux, etc.
Is it enough to write my new HDL bitstream (using JTAG adaptor) from Vivado?
Or is it required some other files?
Any answer?
This is not a good support service.
I expected more from ADI
Sorry for the delay, the entire company has been off between 12/24 and 1/3.
When updating the bitstream the drivers must be initialized after the fact. Therefore, we recommend updating the firmware to contain your new bitstream and booting off that firmware.
Firmware doc:
Thank you Travis,
if I'm not wrong, first l update the HDL using Vivado and my new HDL bitstream through JTAG adaptor.
Then I update the firmware through the USB and mass storage procedure as indicated in
Is this correct?
No. The firmware contains the bitstream. JTAG is not required.
It is not clear for me.
How can I include my modified HDL bitstream in the firmware?
Please read the links I posted above. They detail how to pack the firmware which contains the boot.bin, u-boot, and kernel.
Hi again,
In your links I see the following files are required to update the fimware:
So, I think that I have to replace them with my modified files, right?
To modify the HDL design I've used Vivado but, how can I generate the previous files?
Pluto is like any of our other HDL projects. You clone the hdl repo, go to the subdirectory of the project your care about (projects/pluto in your case), and type make. At the end of the make process you will have the system_top.hdf compiled bitstream in the generated folders. The vivado project is generated as well if you want to modify the design. If you do re-synthesize to re-create the system_top.hdf file. Then just use that new bitstream as documented in the "building the image" link above.
Thank you very much.
Ok, I have a modified HDL design, then re-synthesize and got a new system_top.hdf file.
I read your link "Building the Firmware Image" but where the NEW system_top.hdf file have to be place or used?