I wonder the power consumption of Stingray for Tx state and Rx state
Thank you for your help.
Jaemin Kim
updated category
[edited by: sringwoo at 11:18 AM (GMT -4) on 20 Jul 2022]
I wonder the power consumption of Stingray for Tx state and Rx state
Thank you for your help.
Jaemin Kim
Hi Jaemin,
In Tx state at nominal bias and all devices activated, the board is expected to consume approximately 70 W of DC power. In Rx state at nominal bias and all devices activated, the board is expected to consume approximately 20 W of DC power. Majority of the power consumption is due to the ADAR1000 (qty 8) and ADTR1107 (qty 32) ICs. Stingray (ADAR1000EVAL1Z) is powered from a single 12V rail with DC converters stepping down to the proper voltage rails for the various ICs. The converters/regulators have some inefficiencies which also contribute to the DC power consumption. A schematic can be found on the wiki if you want to see which components are used.
Thank you for your help