This bug was buried in old issue about XML download SigmaStudioPlus generic I2C device: how to download xml and read/write fails with EVAL-AD2437A1NZ/B1NZ the XML part was solved.
However this bug / deficiency / removed capability (call it what you want) is still a problem and I have not been able to figure out any reasonable workaround.
Assume something like this:
I need to be able to download a .xml file to the EEPROM and know that it worked. (or ADC, DAC, whatever)
In 4.7 it produced this very easy to read log right in the dialog.
This was removed in SS+ and SS+ now shows all I2C activity for ever device in the system. In SS+ it's filled with error messages (beats me from what) even when the device programmed correctly.
In 4.7 you can tell in a few seconds if the I2C sequence worked (i.e. no red FAILs show up).
In SS+ there seems to be no way to do this.
What are the options to add a way to tell I2C/XML sequences worked?
wording fixup
[edited by: Brewster at 6:40 PM (GMT -4) on 8 Jul 2024]