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PDM support with A2B bus analyzer

Category: Hardware
Product Number: a2b bus ana


I recently got one of the a2b bus analyzer and am trying to emulate ad2427 on it. 

Background: We have a chain of mics that are currently running with ad2428 as a main node and ad2427 as downstream microphones connected on PDM0 sending data upstream.

Modification: Replaced the downstream bus node closest to the host node with the ADI a2b bus analyzer and am trying to emulate it while also feeding in different tones.


  1. As soon as discovery is complete I see the following error/warning pop up on screen.
  2. My stream is set up so that each node adds 1 to upstream slots to put it's own mic data. 
    1. This is evident with the slot config
    2. But when i go into the audio tab I do not see a source stream available to emulate sending any audio.

Could you help me figure out if I'm doing something wrong or if this is even supported ? All other streams still work fine and the entire setup without the bus analyzer and just the mics also functions properly.

reordering images
[edited by: sree18 at 12:34 AM (GMT -4) on 3 Jul 2024]