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dynamic load busconfig

Category: Software
Product Number: AD2428
Software Version: sigmastudio4.6 A2B 19.3

Hello, I used sigmastudio to configure a topology file, compile the code and burn it to the Android system. If I want to change the topology, must I change the busconfig file in the code and recompile the code to burn it to the system? Is there a way that I can dynamically burn the topology of the BUSCONFIG configuration to the system without changing other parts?

Parents Reply Children
  • HI,

    Do you have a code example of a2b configured with data file?



  • HI,

    I tried Plan B, and it seems that I read the file because it shows the number of my nodes, but there are still some errors in the initialization process:
    1. I cannot access the remote i2c through the bus.
    2. Although I can find the nodes and read their register information, the node information looks different from my configuration.
    In the file is the log that I run the a2b app, Can you tell me where the error occurred and I need to correct it?



  • # a2b-app  
    NODE DISCOVERY: nodeType=2 nodeAddr=1 discoveryCompleteCode=0
    NODE DISCOVERY: nodeType=2 nodeAddr=2 discoveryCompleteCode=0
    NODE DISCOVERY: nodeType=2 nodeAddr=3 discoveryCompleteCode=0
    NODE DISCOVERY: nodeType=2 nodeAddr=4 discoveryCompleteCode=0
    dumping to /var/log/a2b-app.core
    thread 1.flags is 0x200001
    thread 1 was SIGNALLED
    thread 1.why is 0x1
    mapinfo: 0x000000328b14c000 0x01081082... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x000000328b14d000 0x01081382... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x000000328b1be000 0x01681382... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x328b1be000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x000000328b1c4000 0x01081382... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x000000328b1c6000 0x01681382... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x328b1c6000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x000000328b1c8000 0x01081382... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x000000328b1cb000 0x01681382... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x328b1cb000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6af000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf6af000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6e9000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf6e9000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf698000 0x00610372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf698000) - paddr 0xf647c000 is in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf69a000 0x01680332... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf69a000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf71a000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf71a000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf705000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf705000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6d4000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf6d4000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6d5000 0x01680332... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf6d5000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf72e000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf72e000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf741000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf741000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf761000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf761000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf790000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf790000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf778000 0x01600372... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf778000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x000000234dc50000 0x01600332... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x234dc50000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x000000234dc51000 0x01680332... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x234dc51000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x00000006cb134000 0x01680302... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x6cb134000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6d6000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6d8000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6e8000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf6e8000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6ea000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6f5000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf704000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf704000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf706000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf70a000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf719000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf719000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf71b000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf71d000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf72d000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf72d000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf694000 0x00610172... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf694000) - paddr 0xf6480000 is in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf72f000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf731000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf740000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf740000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf69c000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf742000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf751000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf760000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf760000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf69f000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6ae000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf6ae000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf768000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf777000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf777000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf685000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf779000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf780000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf78f000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf78f000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf762000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6b0000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x000000234dc3e000 0x01600571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x000000234dc3f000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x000000234dc4f000 0x01600132... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x234dc4f000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6c4000 0x090800a2... is not mapped, not dumping
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf6d3000 0x016801b2... is_ram(pid=1007622, vaddr=0x2daf6d3000) - MAP_SYSRAM is set, it's by definition in ram
    mapinfo: 0x0000002daf5e9000 0x00610571... nodumpshmem and it's shared, not dumping
    test_read_allowed.132 Block Access Unknown Address 0x328b1cd000
    get_ldd_mapinfos.801 328b1ccf73 1023 != 141
    PT_NOTE segment size: 19952
    thread 1 is current thread!
    dumping 24576 bytes of memory at 0x328b1be000
    dumping 8192 bytes of memory at 0x328b1c6000
    dumping 8192 bytes of memory at 0x328b1cb000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf6af000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf6e9000
    dumping 8192 bytes of memory at 0x2daf698000
    dumping 8192 bytes of memory at 0x2daf69a000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf71a000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf705000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf6d4000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf6d5000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf72e000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf741000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf761000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf790000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf778000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x234dc50000
    dumping 16384 bytes of memory at 0x234dc51000
    dumping 102400 bytes of memory at 0x6cb134000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf6e8000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf704000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf719000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf72d000
    dumping 16384 bytes of memory at 0x2daf694000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf740000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf760000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf6ae000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf777000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf78f000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x234dc4f000
    dumping 4096 bytes of memory at 0x2daf6d3000

    Process 1007622 (a2b-app) terminated SIGSEGV code=1 fltno=11 ip=0000000000000000 mapaddr=00000006cb134000.
    Memory fault (core dumped)

  • HI,
    We can use the typical example which we have provided in the release but some macros should change for the data file, go through the stack user guide and do the changes 

    Please let us know if is it working after the modification  is done.

    Please check the address of the peripherals during the I2C access.

  • Hi,

    Yes, I modified the code in the example, but now this error occurs. I configured the peripheral I2C address as 0x53 in sigamstudio, but the register information I read is 0x50. It seems that the configuration is not successful. I can't find these logs in the A2B code, so I don't know how to deal with them. Could you please help me see what the error is?

  • Jan 01 00:01:12.550 a2b_app.786438 slog* 1 a2b-app[a2bapp_qnx.c:56]: Enter a2b main 0
    Jan 01 00:01:12.550 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)12 04
    Jan 01 00:01:12.557 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 5 a2bmaster_plugin.c:a2b_pluginExecute(1167) [WARN] A2B Master Plugin execute(10): Unhandled command
    Jan 01 00:01:12.557 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 5 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryReset(5052) [DEBUG] A2B Master Plugin dscvryReset(): Starting DiscoveryMode0
    Jan 01 00:01:12.557 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x68)02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.557 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x68)ad 28
    Jan 01 00:01:12.557 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)12 84
    Jan 01 00:01:12.566 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 14 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 3, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.584 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x68)02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.584 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x68)ad 28 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.584 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 32 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryPreMasterInit(3190) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin Master Node: Silicon vid/pid/0
    Jan 01 00:01:12.584 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)1b 10 00 09
    Jan 01 00:01:12.584 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)1a 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.585 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)0f 60
    Jan 01 00:01:12.585 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)12 81
    Jan 01 00:01:12.587 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)41 02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.587 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)09 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.588 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)13 60
    Jan 01 00:01:12.598 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 46 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 3, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.598 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)09 21
    Jan 01 00:01:12.598 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)01 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.600 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x69)02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.600 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x69)ad 25 02 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.600 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 48 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryNodeDiscovered(3695) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin nodeDiscovered(): Silicon no1
    Jan 01 00:01:12.600 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 48 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryNodeDiscovered(3932) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin nodeDiscovered(): BDD node/v2
    Jan 01 00:01:12.600 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 48 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 7, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.600 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)09 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.601 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x69)1b
    Jan 01 00:01:12.601 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x69)00 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.601 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)1b 10 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.602 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)13 5c
    Jan 01 00:01:12.611 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 59 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 3, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.611 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)01 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.612 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)09 21
    Jan 01 00:01:12.612 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)01 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.613 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x69)02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.613 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x69)ad 25 02 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.613 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 62 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryNodeDiscovered(3695) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin nodeDiscovered(): Silicon no1
    Jan 01 00:01:12.613 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 62 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryNodeDiscovered(3932) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin nodeDiscovered(): BDD node/v2
    Jan 01 00:01:12.613 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 62 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 7, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.613 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)09 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.614 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x69)1b
    Jan 01 00:01:12.614 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x69)00 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.614 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)1b 10 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.614 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)13 58
    Jan 01 00:01:12.624 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 73 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 3, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.624 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)01 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.624 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)09 21
    Jan 01 00:01:12.625 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)01 02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.626 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x69)02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.626 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x69)ad 25 02 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.626 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 75 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryNodeDiscovered(3695) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin nodeDiscovered(): Silicon no1
    Jan 01 00:01:12.626 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 75 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryNodeDiscovered(3932) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin nodeDiscovered(): BDD node/v2
    Jan 01 00:01:12.626 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 75 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 7, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.626 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)09 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.629 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x69)1b
    Jan 01 00:01:12.629 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x69)00 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.629 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)1b 10 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.629 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)13 54
    Jan 01 00:01:12.636 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 85 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 3, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.636 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)01 02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.638 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)09 21
    Jan 01 00:01:12.639 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x68)01 03
    Jan 01 00:01:12.640 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW write (0x69)02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.640 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cRW read (0x69)ad 25 02 01
    Jan 01 00:01:12.640 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 88 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryNodeDiscovered(3695) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin nodeDiscovered(): Silicon no1
    Jan 01 00:01:12.640 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 88 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryNodeDiscovered(3932) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin nodeDiscovered(): BDD node/v2
    Jan 01 00:01:12.640 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 88 msgrtr.c:a2b_msgRtrNotify(855) [DEBUG] a2b_msgRtrNotify(m: 0x0, cmd: 7, ud: 0x0)
    Jan 01 00:01:12.640 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_log.c:328]: 88 discovery.c:a2b_dscvryPreSlaveInit(2932) [INFO] A2B Master Plugin PreSlaveInit(): No more BDD sls
    Jan 01 00:01:12.640 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)0b 80
    Jan 01 00:01:12.641 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)0c 02
    Jan 01 00:01:12.641 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)41 20
    Jan 01 00:01:12.641 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)42 30
    Jan 01 00:01:12.642 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)5a 81
    Jan 01 00:01:12.643 a2b_app.786438 slog 1 a2b-app[pal_i2c_qnx.c:141]: a2b i2cW (0x69)1b 00 00
    Jan 01 00:01:12.643 dumper.45070 slog* 0 run fault pid 786438 tid 1 signal 11 code 1 ip 0 bin/a2b-app
    Jan 01 00:01:12.644 dumper.45070 slog 0 pid 786438 core file created at /var/log/a2b-app.core