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EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ audio out

Category: Software
Product Number: EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ
Software Version: SigmaStudio 4.6


I am trying to setup a demo program based on EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ for data input ADXL317+AD2428 and data output through 3.5mm audio lineout.

what i have realized is : 

1). package ADXL317+AD2428 as a vibration sensor modulue.

2). complete the vibration signal read in 

what has not yet completed is :

to output the vibration through 3.5mm audio line out as picture below in Figure 2.

could any expert be so kind as to have a look and help out? many thanks...

  • Hi Zirkelbach,

    In your schematic only slot, 2 is routed to the output, the selecting switch selects only the last signals, so the slot 1 and slot 0 signals are not appearing at the output.
    Merge the signals and route all the signals to the output.

    Please find the attachment for your reference.


    Swaroop B U 

  • Hi, Swaroop,

    Thank you so much for your nice reply. Let me follow your instructions.

    One more thing,  the two test tone didn't work showed in the attached picture. This was strange either.....

    By the way, I can not download your attachment. The moment I tried to click the link of "Capture.PNG", the attachment , then the website directly asked me to logged in an outlook account which was not the same as I registered before. I logged in following the website instruction and then nothing showed up.

    I am afraid if you could be so kind as to attach once again , or email to for a bit certainty?  Thank you so much again, and have a lovely week.

    kind regards


  • Hi, Swaroop,

    Thank you so much for your nice reply. Let me follow your instructions.

    One more thing,  the two test tone didn't work showed in the attached picture. This was strange either.....

    By the way, I can not download your attachment. The moment I tried to click the link of "Capture.PNG", the attachment , then the website directly asked me to logged in an outlook account which was not the same as I registered before. I logged in following the website instruction and then nothing showed up.

    I am afraid if you could be so kind as to attach once again , or email to for a bit certainty?  Thank you so much again, and have a lovely week.

    kind regards

