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AD2428WD1BZ configure as slave

Hi Team,

I want to use AD2428WD1BZ as slave.

What do i need to do to configure AD2428WD1BZ as slave 0.



  • Hi Prashant,

    To configure the AD2428WD1BZ as slave board, Please refer the Jumpers settings section in the EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ Evaluation board manual. The link is below.

    In addition, please note that by default A2B transceivers are slave mode. You need to set the A2B_CONTROL.MSTR bit to change the transceiver to the Master mode. Also please ensure two checkpoints that power (Either bus or local)and Bus link(from the master) to the Slave Board before configuring the slave board.

    An A2B system is brought up by the A2B host. Once power is properly established, each node in the system must be discovered and configured in order, starting with the master node.
    Further, All slave nodes are discovered sequentially from slave 0 to the last available slave in the system with the software flow shown in the Simple Discovery Flow figure given in the AD242x TRM. In this figure, the stages show commands as issued over the I2C interface between the host and the master-enabled transceiver.


  • Hi Dinesh,

    Yes i have tried JUMPER as given in manual for 3-10, 3-11, 3-12 but there is no audio at Line Out.

    I dont need to set the A2B_CONTROL.MSTR bit if i want to use AD2428WD1BZ as slave right?

    Do i need to do any other change at slave end to make it work?



  • Yes, We don't need to set the A2B_CONTROL.MSTR bit for the slave nodes(in your case AD2428WD1BZ) when discovering and initializing. But to discover the slave nodes we need the A2B master enabled transceiver.

  • Hi Dinesh,

    I have connected SA8155 as Host, AD2425WCCSZ as master and AD2428WD1BZ as slave. I have connected jumper as Figure 3-10: Slave with Microphones (PDMCLK/IO7 Clock).

    I tried to run a2b-app and cmd as suggested by QC as below.

    msmnile_au:/ # a2b-app
    Discovery succeeded with 1 nodes discovered on QUAT TDM
    Fault detected on Master node: Cable Disconnected or Open Circuit on QUIN TDM
    Discovery failed!
    msmnile_au:/ # tinymix 'QUAT_TDM_RX_0 Audio Mixer MultiMedia1' 1msmnile_au:/ # tinymix 'QUAT_TDM_RX_0 Channels' 'Two'

    msmnile_au:/ # tinyplay /etc/input_2ch_s16bitpcm.wav
    Playing sample: 2 ch, 48000 hz, 16 bit 15360000 bytes
    msmnile_au:/ #

    I am not getting any error but also not getting any audio at Line Out. I am using earphone at Like Out side.

    Can you please suggest any other jumper setting is required or any test point where i can check input from master to slave side.



  • Hi Dinesh,

    I have connected SA8155 as Host, AD2425WCCSZ as master and AD2428WD1BZ as slave. I have connected jumper as Figure 3-10: Slave with Microphones (PDMCLK/IO7 Clock).

    I tried to run a2b-app and cmd as suggested by QC as below.

    msmnile_au:/ # a2b-app
    Discovery succeeded with 1 nodes discovered on QUAT TDM
    Fault detected on Master node: Cable Disconnected or Open Circuit on QUIN TDM
    Discovery failed!
    msmnile_au:/ # tinymix 'QUAT_TDM_RX_0 Audio Mixer MultiMedia1' 1msmnile_au:/ # tinymix 'QUAT_TDM_RX_0 Channels' 'Two'

    msmnile_au:/ # tinyplay /etc/input_2ch_s16bitpcm.wav
    Playing sample: 2 ch, 48000 hz, 16 bit 15360000 bytes
    msmnile_au:/ #

    I am not getting any error but also not getting any audio at Line Out. I am using earphone at Like Out side.

    Can you please suggest any other jumper setting is required or any test point where i can check input from master to slave side.



  • Hi Dinesh,

    I have Set AD2428WD1BZ slave as Figure 3-10: Slave with Microphones (PDMCLK/IO7 Clock)

    We tried to check waveform using oscilloscope and result is as below :
    AD2428_BCLK : Getting 12.3KHz signal
    AD2428_SYNC : Getting 3.9V
    AD2425_DTX0 : No data with/without playing wav file
    AD2428_DRX0 : No data with/without playing wav file
    AD2428_DRX1 : No data with/without playing wav file
    AD2425_DTX1 : No data with/without playing wav file
    Connector Pins P3.2 and P3.1 : : some Continuous waves getting with/without playing wav file

    Is it correct behaviour?

    Please suggest some solution for this.



  • Hi Dinesh,

    We are feeding audio from SA8155 through AD2425WCCSZ master. Also tried 3-7, 3-8, 3-8 figure of manual but there is no audio out at Line out.

    How can we verify that we are getting signal or not at P3 connector(towards master)?



  • Hi Prashant,

    Sorry for the delay.

    SYNC pin cannot be 3.9v since VIOVDD of A2B transceiver is either 1.8v or 3.3v. Also BCLK cannot be 12KHz.

    1.What is programming the A2B chain here, Are you able to discover the nodes properly?
    2.Regarding,"msmnile_au:/ # tinymix 'QUAT_TDM_RX_0 Audio Mixer MultiMedia1' 1msmnile_au:/ # tinymix 'QUAT_TDM_RX_0 Channels' 'Two'"
    >> I don't understand these commands, could you please explain this. Are you using Sigmastudio and A2B software to generate the sequence file/configuration file to use with?
    3.Could you please send us complete A2B configuration settings file, so that we can verify in our side?
    4.Could you please explain your requirement better, for example with the block diagram so that I could help you better?
    5.Could you please let me know what is the document you are referring to in your post ?


  • Hi Dinesh,

    By mistake i wrote 12KHz. Actully BCLK is 12MHz. I will check SYNC pin one more time and let you know.

    As i described earlier SA8155 as Host, AD2425WCCSZ as master and AD2428WD1BZ as slave. Here AD2425WCCSZ master is inbuilt at host side.

    1.What is programming the A2B chain here, Are you able to discover the nodes properly?

    >>>> Here we are using a2b-app bin provided by qualcomm. QUAT TDM is detecting when running bin.

    Getting A2B logs as below:
    04-07 12:13:46.858 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: shlibs.gl_pathv[idx]: /vendor/lib64/
    04-07 12:13:46.858 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: pathv:
    04-07 12:13:46.858 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: dlopen: 7b8d0b2d
    04-07 12:13:46.858 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: shlibs.gl_pathv[idx]: /vendor/lib64/
    04-07 12:13:46.858 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: pathv:
    04-07 12:13:46.859 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: dlopen: f5d627bf
    04-07 12:13:46.859 7568 7568 I a2b_debug: stack init 447
    04-07 12:13:46.934 0 0 E i2c_geni 2680000.i2c: i2c error :-107
    04-07 12:13:46.954 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: Discovery succeeded with 1 nodes discovered on QUAT TDM
    04-07 12:13:46.960 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: shlibs.gl_pathv[idx]: /vendor/lib64/
    04-07 12:13:46.960 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: pathv:
    04-07 12:13:46.960 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: dlopen: 7b8d0b2d
    04-07 12:13:46.960 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: shlibs.gl_pathv[idx]: /vendor/lib64/
    04-07 12:13:46.960 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: pathv:
    04-07 12:13:46.961 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: dlopen: f5d627bf
    04-07 12:13:46.961 7568 7568 I a2b_debug: stack init 447
    04-07 12:13:47.003 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: Fault detected on Master node:
    04-07 12:13:47.003 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: Cable Disconnected or Open Circuit
    04-07 12:13:47.004 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: on QUIN TDM
    04-07 12:13:47.004 7568 7568 E a2b_debug:
    04-07 12:13:47.005 7568 7568 E a2b_debug: Discovery failed!
    04-07 12:13:46.942 0 0 I chatty : uid=0(root) logd identical 1 line
    04-07 12:13:46.950 0 0 E i2c_geni 2680000.i2c: i2c error :-107

    2.Regarding,"msmnile_au:/ # tinymix 'QUAT_TDM_RX_0 Audio Mixer MultiMedia1' 1msmnile_au:/ # tinymix 'QUAT_TDM_RX_0 Channels' 'Two'"
    >> I don't understand these commands, could you please explain this. Are you using Sigmastudio and A2B software to generate the sequence file/configuration file to use with?

    >>>> No, I haven't use sigmastudio. Above commands are to configure playback path at host side. after this we run tinyplay <wave file> to do playback.

    3.Could you please send us complete A2B configuration settings file, so that we can verify in our side?

    >>>> I dont have any config file. I am using AD2428WD1BZ as slave and default also is slave. Can you please let me know how to configure AD2428WD1BZ as slave.

    4.Could you please explain your requirement better, for example with the block diagram so that I could help you better?

    >>>> Our requirement is to play 2 channel audio wav file from SA8155 host and listen at slave side using Line Out.  

    5.Could you please let me know what is the document you are referring to in your post ?

    >>>> I am referring 1. A2B_EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ_Manual.pdf, 2. AD242x_TRM_Rev1.1.pdf, 3. AD2420(W)-AD2426(W)-AD2427(W)-AD2428(W)-AD2429(W).pdf, 4. EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ-schematics.pdf 

    Please confirm my connection is fine or not, I have set jumper as Figure 3-7: Slave with Codec Only. So ADAU1761 codec will be there.

    It looks like A2B slave card is not getting registered and getting I2C -107 error. Please help us to configure slave if required.



  • Hi Dinesh,

    I have sent  requirement diagram over mail as i am not able to insert image here.

    Please check it and try to reply with more details, jumper setting and sigmastudio code.



  • This case is handled privately, please re-open if you have any further questions.